As a highly skilled product designer, I possess exceptional creativity and expertise in crafting digital experiences that are both user-friendly and engaging. With two decades of industry experience under my belt, I have a rock-solid foundation in conducting user research, usability testing, information architecture, wireframing, prototyping, and interaction design. My communication skills are top-notch, and I work seamlessly with cross-functional teams to identify and resolve user issues. I am well-known for my meticulousness and ability to deliver outstanding work even under pressure. Furthermore, I am always eager to take on new challenges and constantly strive to learn and improve in my field.





UX/UI design: Creating user interfaces that are both intuitive and engaging involves conducting thorough user research and gaining a deep understanding of the needs and behaviors of diverse groups of people.


Information architecture: I specialize in organizing and structuring complex information in a logical and user-friendly manner for websites, SaaS, and mobile applications.


Prototypes: When it comes to prototyping, I rely on a variety of tools such as Figma, Adobe XD, Axure RP, InVision Freehand, and Sketch. These platforms allow me to swiftly generate and evaluate concepts and ideas.


Interaction design: I strive to create interactions that are easy to understand and responsive, enabling customers to accomplish their tasks efficiently and achieve their objectives.


Website Design: Websites and software-as-a-service applications that are designed to be responsive and compatible with multiple devices and browsers.


Project pitching: I am skilled in conveying design concepts and ideas to clients and stakeholders, as well as presenting and pitching projects to potential clients.


Tech tools: I possess extensive expertise in constructing websites utilizing diverse platforms such as WordPress, Divi, Wix, GoDaddy, HTML5, SalesForce, Google Ads, and SEO.



Webby Awards
Category Winner

The Zeebys Awards
2X Category Winner

AppAdvice Awards
Category Winner

Navteq Global LBS
Mobile Challenge
2X Category Winner

Best App Ever Awards
Category Winner
3x Runner-up

EdTech Collider
Selected Member

Roles & Experience


Crown ADAM AG logo


Digital Product Designer

O3/2023 – Present

At Crown ADAM AG, We Deliver Customer-Centric Product Solutions with Confidence. From research to launch, we craft innovative designs tailored to your needs.

As a seasoned professional, I excel in creating and designing products that precisely meet the needs and preferences of our valued customers. I leverage comprehensive research and data analysis to drive my design decisions, while skillfully developing prototypes and crafting intuitive user interfaces.

Beyond product design, I also offer design thinking workshops to foster creative problem-solving and provide invaluable digital marketing support. Collaborating seamlessly with development teams, I ensure smooth product launches that captivate the market.

With a steadfast focus on innovation and effectiveness, my ultimate goal is to deliver products that bring immense value to our international and local customers.

Let’s transform your ideas into extraordinary products that exceed expectations!

Crown ADAM AG logo

DP Visuals

Digital Design Freelancing

O1/2022 – 02/2023

As a digital product designer, I specialized in providing UX/UI, web, and interactive design solutions for online, iOS, and Android mobile applications for both B2C and B2B digital products. My focus was on creating a personalized and engaging experience for my international clients through the use of customer-centric design strategies and research. I carefully planned my design approaches and objectives through extensive quantitative research on customer insights and needs.

  • Conducted usability testing and incorporated feedback to enhance user experience.
  • Developed user personas and user flows to guide design decisions.
  • Created wireframes and prototypes to visualize and iterate on design concepts.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams, including developers and product managers, to ensure seamless implementation of designs.
  • Created visually appealing and intuitive user interfaces for online, iOS, and Android applications.
  • Ensured consistency in design elements, such as color schemes, typography, and iconography.
  • Optimized designs for various screen sizes and resolutions to ensure responsiveness.

Continued Education

  • Stayed up to date with emerging design tools and techniques to enhance productivity and creativity.
  • Engaged in Figma user communities and forums to learn from fellow designers and share knowledge.
  • Explored Figma plugins and integrations to streamline design workflows and enhance productivity.
  • Stayed updated on new Figma updates and features through official documentation and release notes.


Duncan pond visuals logo

Simulcation AG

Director & Co-Founder

O3/2020 – 12/2021

I was responsible for designing and creating interactive content that increased the business value of the suite. As a result of my efforts, we saw a 200% increase in B2B customer acquisition and over 2000 customer sessions with the application suite.

  • Analyzed qualitative and quantitative data to determine the best strategies for implementing business partner contest site rollouts
  • Researched and designed application educational content based on IBM’s processes, software, and hardware offerings
  • Participated in Design Thinking Workshops and provided digital marketing support for ongoing marketing efforts
  • Made ongoing additions and modifications to the project’s design system
  • Provided ongoing support to the QA and development team
Duncan pond visuals logo

IBM via Simulcation AG

External Product Designer

O6/2015 – 02/2020

As the external product designer for “Simulcation,” I oversaw the interaction, information architecture, UX/UI design, and art direction for the B2B/B2C native and online (iOS, Web3) SaaS product offering. In collaboration with IBM, I led the project development and research methods for the native application suite. The service provided education and guidance to IBM staff and Business Partners on critical decisions related to technical support service offerings and data center operations.

  • Conducting user research and gathering customer insights
  • Defining product requirements and specifications
  • Sketching and prototyping design concepts
  • Creating wireframes, user flows, and user interface designs
  • Conducting usability testing and user research
  • Working with development teams to ensure the design is implemented correctly
  • Participating in design review and feedback sessions
  • Collaborating with cross-functional teams, including marketing, sales, and engineering
  • Staying up-to-date with industry trends and best practices in design
Crown ADAM AG logo


Creative Director

12/2010 – 05/2015

As a design leader for UX/UI, art direction, and consulting, I work with corporate clients to create successful projects. I also serve as the internal lead visionary, designer, and art director for CROWN’s original hit entertainment titles. Under my direction, we have published over ten award-winning and top-performing applications and entertainment titles.

  • Leading and directing the creative vision of the company
  • Managing and mentoring the team of international designers, artists, creatives, and developers
  • Collaborating with cross-functional customer teams, including production, marketing, sales, and engineering
  • Setting design standards and guidelines for the team
  • Reviewing and approving design concepts and deliverables
  • Managing budgets and schedules for creative projects
  • Staying up-to-date with industry trends and best practices in design
  • Presenting ideas and concepts to clients and stakeholders

Curriculum Vitae Interactive

View my complete C.V. online with a full set of roles in an interactive document created in Adobe XD

CV for Download & Print PDF

View, download, and print my full Curriculum Vitae as an interactive PDF, perfect for printing.

Video C.V. 

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+41 (0)79 378-1229